Principles of Design - Week 17

4.12.14 (Week 17)
Jasmine Yeoh (0321190)
Principles of Design
Colour Wheel Assignment

We had to produce an unconventional colour wheel by creating a 3D model which displays the 12 colours in the colour wheel.

I was pretty excited about the assignment when we first got it because I had a lot of ideas to suggest to my team mates, such as a hot air balloon, baking cupcakes and baking a rainbow cake. In the end, the Ms Lisa and the team decided to do a hot air balloon and we were all excited about it. 

We researched extensively and thought that it was quite do-able. We used lightweight raincoats as the panels for the hot air balloon and wire for the structure. We began by making a small scale prototype and we were overjoyed when it actually worked and floated up. However, when making the actual thing, our project got damaged and stolen so we had to redo everything. 

We purchased multiple colours of craft tissue paper because we researched and people had made successful DIY hot air balloons using it. We created a small lantern out of the tissue paper and it worked! Unfortunately, the tissue paper accidentally caught fire and burnt much of the lantern. Once again, we had to redo it. 

Sadly, we had to come up with something extremely last minute and made a stagnant hot air balloon model. I was very disappointed in the outcome and i wish i could have done a better job but i did my best with the circumstances.

Final Outcome:

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