Introduction to Photography - Week 4

29.8.14 (Week 4)
Jasmine Yeoh, (0321190)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 2b and 2c: Shutter Speed and ISO

First of all, as usual, Mr Vinod gave everyone verbal feedback regarding our previous assignment and our blog post. We then did a quiz on shutter speed and ISO which we had to study for using the study material posted on the facebook page by Mr Vinod. We discussed the test answers when we were done and Mr Vinod elaborated the questions and answers further. He gave us an exercise, telling us to prove that ISO affects exposure and quality of the picture and demonstrated how to conduct the experiment. After the 45 minutes we were given to complete the task, we had another quiz on shutter speed. We had homework to show how the different shutter speeds affects how the movement of the object would look like in the picture.


2b) Shutter Speed Exercise Instructions (Homework)
Shutter exercise1: Keep the fan speed at 1 and capture images using shutter settings from 1/1000th of a second till 1’ of a second. Repeat this exercise after changing the fan speed from 1 to 2 and the from 2 to 3 and so on.
All pictures must be black and white. Upload the screenshot of the document only and not the individual pictures.

2b) Shutter Speed (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of the Shutter’s ability to freeze fast moving objects and blur moving objects.

2c) ISO Exercise Instruction (In-class)
Upon reading, viewing and discussing the material on ISO, we have come to agree that ISO effects exposure (Exercise 2c.1) and effects the quality of an image (Exercise 2c.2).
Your task today, requires you to prove that:

- 2c.1) ISO effects exposure- 2c.2) ISO effects the quality of an image by increasing the noise and grain of a picture.
All images must be in black and white; you can make the adjustment in the camera (if the feature is available) or make the adjustment later in photoshop (Image > Adjust > Black & White)

2c) ISO (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of degradation of image as the ISO increases in sensitivity. The student also must produce evidence that ISO can directly affect exposure.


2b) Shutter Speed Exercise
We were asked by Mr Vinod to do this exercise to see the different picture you get of an object moving at different speeds by using different shutter speeds.

2c.1) ISO Exercise
Mr. Vinod told us to do an experiment where it shows that ISO affects exposure so me and my teammates decided to conduct this experiment by taking pictures of one thing, changing only the ISO and keeping the shutter speed and aperture the same.

1) ISO 100  //  f5.6  //  1/4

 2) ISO 200  //  f5.6  //  1/4

 3) ISO 400  //  f5.6  //  1/4
 4) ISO 800  //  f5.6  //  1/4
5) ISO 1600  //  f5.6  //  1/4


2c.2) ISO Exercise
For this experiment we had to show that ISO affects the quality of the picture. For each ISO stop, i changed the shutter speed too to keep the picture well lit.

1) ISO 100  //  1/8  //  f3.5

2) ISO 200  //  1/15  //  f3.5

3) ISO 400  //  1/30  //  f3.5

4) ISO 800  //  1/60  //  f3.5

5) ISO 1600  //  1/125  //  f3.5


Feedback:"Jasmine, your outline of what transpired in your lecture was well documented, good job. In exercise 2b of the hardcopy screen shot I noticed the date written as August 2014, please include the date as well. You may hand correct the previous p/outs if similar mistakes were made. With regards to exercise 2b, it seems accurate and you managed to follow the instructions given in class properly, good work. Although I do have a question with regard to the pictures towards the end, why did they become brighter (over exposed), why didn't you maintain the correct exposure as you did previously in all the other shots? With regard to exercise 2c, you did not complete the exercise, you did 2c.1: ISO effects exposure but not 2c.2: ISO effects quality of picture. For the second exercise you are suppose to maintain the correct exposure so that you can see the difference in quality (grain and noise)."


My favourite part of the lesson is always the practical work, going out of the classroom to do the assignments independently. I also really enjoyed it when Mr Vinod gave us the tutorial on how to do the experiment because I think thats how I best learn things.

I tend to leave things to last minute when it comes to doing work on campus because during the time limit when doing the experiment, my teammates and I took a long time deciding what and where to take the picture so only during the last 10 minutes we were actually taking the pictures. I should work more efficiently and try not to get so distracted when doing assignments.

I found out that I absorb written information more efficiently when they are in shorter passages. I found this out while we were doing the quiz at the beginning of class when I remembered that ASA and ISO are the same thing and it was a question in the quiz. I remembered it because it was one of the first points in the text.

In this class, I finally understood the different between grain and noise after we had that question in our second quiz and Mr Vinod explained to us the difference between the two. Noise is the discoloration that happens in a picture, usually visible in the darker shades whilst grain is the uniform specks across the picture usually visible at higher ISO speeds.

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