Introduction to Photography - Week 7

22.9.14 (Week 7)
Jasmine Yeoh, (0321190)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 4a: Composition – Rule of Thirds

At the beginning of class, Mr Vinod took a look at out hard copy portfolios and ePortfolios and gave us feedback. After that he talked about creativity then went on to talk about the topic which he told us to go through prior to the class, Rule of Thirds.

Exercise 4a: Composition – Rule of Thirds
Capture 3 Images adhering to the Rule of Thirds
• Using 1 person
• Using 3 persons
• Using a scenery
When placing the image on the document for printing; place one image with the Rule of Third lines visible and another without the lines side by side (as instructed in class)
(Put to use what you have learned in the Zone system exercises here)
4a) Rule of Thirds (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must show evidence of knowledge and ability to use the Rule of Thirds under the prescribed circumstances. Evidence of composition enhanced by cropping is acceptable in order to heighten the dynamism or intensity of the picture. Students must showcase their knowledge on exposure using the zone system.

1) One Person - "Smoker"
ISO100  //  f5  //  1/125

2) Scenery - "Art Street"
ISO100  //  f8  //  1/400

3) Three People 
ISO100  //  f8  //  1/200


4) Three People
ISO400 / f5.6 / 1/640


Your landscape and single person shot are excellent. Your three person shot was unimaginative and contrived, while technically inline with the rule of thirds. Composition is not about technicalities, it's about aesthetics, which you were able to capture in the single person and landscape shot. If all students were to use the three same people, where is the originality or creativity in that? You need to show more initiative, and I hope to see it in the next exercise. Redo, the three person shot again.

In class, Mr Vinod talked about the Rule of Thirds and I found the topic really interesting because prior to the lesson, I just took the picture however I thought looked good so seeing that there is a formula for a good picture makes it so much easier for me to get a great picture.

Me and my fellow classmates went to Laman Seni art street in Shah Alam to take the pictures for the assignment so it was really fun looking at all the street art and using the cool artworks as backgrounds to add a more interesting element to the picture. The colours of the artwork was also extremely vibrant and beautiful so it was a shame that I couldn't show that in my assignment so I look forward to going back in the future to take more pictures but in colour next time.

I am unable to catch moments because I take some time to adjust the settings of my camera and by the time I am done, the moment has passed so I need to be more efficient when doing so. 

I found that placing the point of focus at different points within the frame can make or break the picture. When placing the main subject in the middle, it makes the subject less interesting however, placing thing in the middle can be used effectively when emphasising symmetry. Placing the subject at the corner will give the picture an unsettling feeling and will move the viewer's eyes outward from the frame.

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