Introduction to Photography - Week 6

12.9.14 (Week 6)
Jasmine Yeoh, (0321190)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 3b: Ansel Adam's Shot


In this lecture, Mr Vinod started by lecturing us on the zone system as well as showing us works by Ansel Adams. Then he gave us a demonstration on how to take a good portrait or any picture using the zone system. He sketched out the subject and labeled each tone referring to the zone system chart. He then gave us the assignment to take an "Ansel Adams Inspired" shot, where we have to take a picture of which all 9 zones are present. He told us the secret to a great picture; the choice of subject, good exposure and good composition.


Exercise 3(b):
The Ansel Adam's Shot
Choose an image worthy of being called an Ansel Adam's shot (Still Life, Landscape or Portrait). In using the Zone System sketch and write down the perceived zones in the desired image and indicate the ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed used. Identify the point of interest and state the exposure settings recommended by the camera light meter and your improved settings upon using the zone system. The image captured must fulfill the following 
3b) Ansel Adams Shot (5%)
Marking Criteria: Students must show evidence of using the Zone System. Student must produce 1 black & white image that captures depth and richness in tonal value by capturing light, middle and dark tones while maintaining details (texture and tone) in the dark and light areas of the image.


1) 1/30 // f4  // ISO 200

Final shot:
2) 1/60 //  f4 // ISO 200


Jasmine, good choice of subject matter, it had texture and there was good lighting(as in daylight). The exposure was suitable and the depth in the picture was apparent with the rich tonality. Good.

Mr Vinod told us what we should improve in our ePortfolios and what we were doing wrong or leaving out. He advised us to do the exercises in class for a better result because the information and instructions are still fresh in our minds. When Mr Vinod was explaining about the zone system chart and how to label the different areas, at first I got a bit confused with the numbers, thinking that the higher number was the darker tones and the smaller number was the lighter tones when it was actually the opposite.

Doing the exercise, I tried to look for an area on campus where there were many tones and found that the trunks of the trees had many interesting growths on it that were different toned. I used the tree as my subject also because Ansel Adams took many pictures of trees and nature and I remembered the still life picture of the pine cone taken by him which was shown to us in class.


I don't have very steady hands and I tend to be very clumsy, so when taking the pictures of the subject using the meter and using my preference, I sometimes accidentally move the camera, causing the to pictures to be framed slightly differently. I either need to get a steadier tripod or be more careful when adjusting the setting on my camera when taking the next shot. I also found it difficult for my camera focus on objects which are to the side of the frame.


I need to pay attention to detail more when writing my ePortfolio, as I sometimes accidentally miss out some things when writing it.

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